Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to Get Wiggly Windows in Ubuntu Linux

Ever seen the Windows in Linux wiggling about and other cool effects in one of those videos on YouTube? Try this one:

The Linux desktop effects leave MAC and Windows varieties in the dust.

Wondering how to do that? It's easy if you download Ubuntu 7.10 or higher. Just right click on the desktop. Choose the table labeled "Visual Effects" and amp up the settings to set up custom effects. If you have any sort of decent video card of recent variety, your desktop will be pleasantly wiggly, swirly, and springy in no time.

Windows and MAC users: Sorry. No wiggling or other special effects for you. You're stuck with your default configurations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I tried this, and it's neat. I like the appearance of the orange Ubuntu desktop, and the way you can switch back and forth between desktops with a click of the mouse. Fantastic.

Thanks for pointing this out.